Stop believing these 5 common divorce myths

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Stop believing these 5 common divorce myths

Divorce is a term laden with emotional weight. The word often conjures images of bitter legal battles, shattered families and irreparable damage.

Fortunately, the reality is far less frightening. Dispelling some of the most prevalent myths helps bring ending one’s marriage into perspective.

Myth #1: Divorce is always a messy court battle

The belief that divorce inevitably involves a high-stakes courtroom drama is pervasive. People should realize that other legal routes, such as mediation and collaborative divorce, are available. These pathways encourage a more cooperative approach, reduce the financial strain and allow couples to retain a degree of control over the outcome.

Myth #2: One parent will get the kids

Another frequent misperception is that custody battles forever result in one parent winning. In reality, family courts prioritize the child’s best interests, which often leads to joint custody arrangements.

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Myth #3: Divorce is invariably the result of infidelity

While cheating is the most common contributor to divorce, plenty of other reasons exist. Examples include financial disagreements and lack of support from family. Even religious differences are sometimes the root problem, with 13% of divorcing couples citing spiritual incompatibility as the cause of their split.

Myth #4: Alimony is a guarantee for the lower-earning spouse

Many assume that the spouse who earns less is automatically entitled to alimony. On the contrary, courts carefully consider factors such as the duration of the marriage, financial contributions and individual earning potential before awarding spousal support. Alimony is not a sure outcome but rather a decision based on the unique circumstances of each case.

Myth #5: Assets get split 50/50

Equating divorce settlements to a straightforward numerical equation oversimplifies the process. Courts weigh various matters to ensure a fair distribution. The goal is equity rather than a rigidly equal division of wealth.

Dismantling these fictions arms divorcing couples with a better understanding of what they may expect. Embracing the realities promotes a healthier and more resilient post-divorce future for everyone.

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