Tips for splitting the holidays after divorce

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Tips for splitting the holidays after divorce

Divorce can make it difficult to continue enjoying the holidays in the same way as before. Naturally, you and your ex would want to enjoy the holidays with your kids. However, you’ll probably have to take turns unless you agree to celebrate together. To reduce any stress or arguments that might spoil the festivities, it’ll help to have a well-planned holiday parenting plan.

Below are some arrangement options to consider.

Alternate holidays for the year

In an annual alternating holiday schedule, parents can take turns hosting each holiday every year. Parents may allocate certain holidays like Independence Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving to odd-numbered years and the rest to even-numbered years. For example, if odd-numbered years are for mom, the child will spend Thanksgiving with her this year and next year at dad’s.

If you live far from your ex, an alternating schedule may benefit you. It reduces the need to travel between homes, which can sometimes stress out a child.

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Share the day

If the parents live close to one another, they may divide half of the holiday between them. This plan ensures that neither parent misses quality time with the kid. In this scenario, one parent will spend the first half of the holiday with their child and then the other parent can take the rest of the day.

Spend holidays together

Depending on your family dynamics, spending the holidays with your ex may benefit everyone. This might help prevent your child from feeling lost during the first few years after divorce, especially if they are younger. However, remember that some children have difficulty accepting your divorce if they continue to see you and your ex together.

The ideal holiday parenting schedule is one that both you and your ex-spouse can agree on. But it makes sense that you can’t agree on everything.

If you’re having difficulty giving up certain holidays or getting your ex to agree, be sure to put your child’s needs first. The holidays after divorce are difficult not only for you but also for your child.

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