Handling your kids’ extracurricular activities after divorce

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Handling your kids’ extracurricular activities after divorce

Co-parenting post-divorce or separation can be challenging, requiring continuous communication and collaboration. A critical aspect of this collaboration is managing your children’s extracurricular activities.

Working with your ex isn’t always easy, but it can help provide children stability. Consider these tips to help you along this journey.

Coordinating schedules effectively

A well-coordinated schedule is vital in managing your children’s extracurricular activities. This helps avoid miscommunications and ensures your child can participate fully in their activities. Remember, the goal is to support your children’s interests and passions. Be flexible, understanding that alterations may be required from time to time. Include make-up classes, rehearsals and games in your schedule.

Establishing effective communication with your ex

Maintaining open, respectful communication with your ex is the key to managing your kids’ activities smoothly. Focus on exchanging necessary information regarding the activities, such as timing, location and equipment needs. Using neutral language, keeping conversations brief and focusing on your children’s needs can reduce the potential for conflict.

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Keeping the focus on your kids

Ultimately, managing extracurricular activities should be about supporting your kids’ growth and development. Keep the focus on their enjoyment and learning — rather than winning or achieving. Encourage their efforts and be their cheerleaders, irrespective of your differences with your ex-spouse.

Having the terms of co-parenting in the parenting plan can help make the situation easier for everyone involved. As you’re considering these terms, be sure you include information about how the costs of the activities will be handled because this can become a primary source of contention between you and your ex. Ultimately, you must ensure the entire plan is set based on what’s best for the children.

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