Even though statutes govern strict formulas to determine child support, the process is anything but simple. Income, expenses and number of children are entered into a “calculator” and an amount is generated. However, disputes often arise with the information provided, specifically income.
Self-employed professionals and business owners have a certain amount of flexibility in the money they make. More so, they have the flexibility in hiding sources of income. Personal expenses may be deemed as business costs. Cash payments may not show up on a ledger or tax form. Experienced legal guidance is critical for navigating all of these issues.
You can rely on me, lawyer William Godley at the Godley Law Firm, for experienced legal advocacy in divorce and child support cases. My job is to get to the facts when a spouse is shielding revenues, over-reporting expenses or holding jobs where he or she remains voluntarily unemployed or underemployed. I combine my experience in family law with the insight of financial experts, including forensic accountants.
Deception and “creative bookkeeping” are not in the best interests of the children. Child support is just that: money for the sons and daughters of a divorce. As in custody and visitation proceedings, in child support too, their best interests should come first. Like their parents, their lives have also been disrupted and they seek a sense of normalcy during these uncertain, life-changing times.
I have been where you are. I have gone through a divorce. My parents have gone through a divorce. While I will always be compassionate and empathetic in my dealings with you, I take a more aggressive approach — oftentimes in court — when the other side is unwilling to be flexible or reach a fair agreement.
Find out how I can help you address child support issues in a knowledgeable, effective manner. To get started, call 337-502-5144 or send an email to my office in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I provide prompt responses.